Thursday, February 14, 2008

Wonders of technology..

Advancement in technology has brought in many revolutions. But EVOLUTION?..Yes, I can think of one (probably, you can think of many). EVOLUTION OF NUMEROUS PHOTOGRAPHERS. Yeah..the advent of and now, the advancement in digital camera technology have germinated many amateur photographers. You can find them everywhere and anywhere, holding either a mobile phone with a lens to capture 1/0 images or a digital camera that can snap a picture or shoot a video. Whatmore, there are softwares that can just do many things to your picture -you name the way you want it, u get it. 'I am there for you' is their moto. Photoblogs have facilitated in advertising of one's needn't wait for advertising agencies and publishers. The techie market giants are rushing up in R&D in bringing smarter ones that can hone your skills better. So when you show a wonderful picture to anyone, they are awe-struck and you are applauded. Ofcourse everyone knows who is smart..but smarter is the one who uses it cleverly to bring a picture perfect.

So what do you need...

A digital camera (the obvious), passion to snap anything under the Sun (Universe just need to board a space ship..Simple!), softwares, blogs , all of this to become a novice. But to be a professional, well...a lot of CREATIVITY to see what others miss (Even this can be increased by stimulating the part of the brain that helps generate creativity-brain scans are helping us out to configure this part. I think I will soon share this news with u all).

So, Stay tuned!!..
Down below is the link to the pics that i recently took. well why do you think I wrote this post for ..that too at 12:30 am!! Check it out!!
c ya and cheers,


Smashinguy said...

Hi Suba, I had fun reading your blog and going through your (rather sumptuous) album. :-)

You obviously have been enjoying yourself with your camera. Well done!

If photography interests you, you will probably enjoy this photoblog, maintained by a good friend of mine:

The composition of each picture is astounding and the lighting handled beautifully. Enjoy!

Jus Suba said...

Aii...Hi..Smashing Guy,

Thanks for the comments. I did check that photoblog of you friend's...he is damn gud.

thanks agian..
c ya...


Anonymous said...

nIce blog ya

bharat chandran said...

Hi Suba, Good pictures! The topic is interesting. So let me pin down few comments.

Technology can create wonders, but it is up to us whether to pick or not. Even though the digital revolution is happening, it is not necessary that people need to catch up with the latest gadgets and move forward.

I feel creating technology products which evoke the ‘passion’ inside us is very crucial. Digital cameras were very much successful in that regard.

May be when you have time look here and feel free to post comments -

Will wait for the ‘creativity stimulation’.

Jus Suba said...

Hi bharath chandran,

thanks for your feed back.