Thatha writes...
Our Scriptures and their benevolent
considerations towards the human beings:
Broadly, the human life has been grouped into
four divisions: Balya, Youwana, Samsara and Vanaprastha. Next the
circumstances/environments under which have to function got classified as the
respective yoga dharmamsas they vary from yugam to yugam. Our Seers then came
out with the related scriptures like Vishnu Puraanam etc. detailed out the
above initially through strictly defined oral traditions to maintain their
sanctity and purity.
The problems commenced when our scriptures got
recorded in palm leaves/books and the related and the related clarificatory
write-ups started sprouting up from different vested interests. The great seers
Aadhi Shankara, Sri Ramanujam and Sri Madhawa added their own interpretations
under the headings Advaitham, Visishtaaadhvaitham and Swaijham. Their
approaches then got multiplied into innumerous sub-groups. However, the basic
approach that every human being should get the best out of this present life
itself continued as a latent life blood behind though not obviously apparent.
Commencing with ground wise spiritual religious
approaches, Lord Krishna reduced the entire gamut to a divinity to an
individual human face to face in his kaliyug closing Sreemath bhagawath
We, the present generation, find ourselves in the
5000th year kaliyug with its total duration of 4,32,000 human years.
It is time to understand and appreciate that each
human has two orientations in one's life in a day to day basis. They are
external oriented and the internal oriented (nivruth) also called
as margs. it should not be overlooked that the prospects of one impinging
on the other either directly or indirectly have to be confronted by
each of us.
Next comes the two separate groundings of the
humans into sexes with commonalities between the two but specifics exclusive
for the female sex for bearing the important responsibility for human birth and
With all the above in mind here is a common way
of day to day human way of life to achieve the best out of one's life - both
sexes - in the present life itself.
No doubt when one starts these practices what is
the related balance sheet in that regard of each one do matter.
As we are discussing about one's present life in
the present kaliyug environment, the other important aspects after one's death,
concepts of heaven and hell and the prevalent anthropomorphic concept of
divinity rather personal to each of us have been scrupulously avoided here.
It should, however, be noted that what has been
spelt out here are within the comfort realm of each one to be put in to
practice without any extra strain and also not seriously affecting one's
personal day to day life.
Here are the suggestions. please start giving them
a serious try. As already stated earlier, with the present balance sheet of
your own life, make your yet-to-come life span more interestingly and more
productive to yourself. You have it in you. Go ahead.
Best Wishes,
V.Sundararajan (Aged 94)
The said suggestions to implement in your day to
day life to obtain in you or this life itself. All the Best!
1. Physical Welfare: Physical welfare
provides a healthier body for you to function more effectively and internally
feel more confident and better. At least if not regularly daily exercise 3 to 5
times a week and chose those exercises etc. that suit your physical condition
to start with. Your body and the feeling within you would suggest improvements
thereto as you go along.
2. Mental Health: Mental Health follows as
to how you to developing situations from time to time: watch then closely and
continuous suggestions would arise from within you to improve upon them.
Totally avoid resorting to smoking tobacco and also intake of alcoholic drink.
3. Financial Strength: Financial Strength
is a must. The way to develop the same should be constantly at the back of your
mind. Acceptably this aspect may differ widely from individual to individual
which also depends upon your present balance sheet and the related
opportunities before you and the available qualification and capacity etc.
thereto at your own balance sheet to start with and prospects of improving them
as you go by.
4. But even at your present levels save money for
any eventualities that might crop up necessitating the same. It is a must to
save towards a pensionary support after your retirement.
5. Next that matters are your relationship with
your family, near enough friends, neighbors and your co-workers, supervisors,
etc. this also includes your relationship with the natural environment. Also
within which you spend your life from time to time.
6. Strive always to achieve what could be styled
as work-life balance which could cover personal satisfaction in the work you do
or turn out. Be fanatically patriotic to the institution for which you work.
7. Listen carefully to others, accurately assess
your resources before responding and measure your words, action
thereto without being harsh but as polite as practicable in conveying what
you consider as appropriate and yet true without hurting the least the person
you respond to.
8. your emotions should be externally not visible
as far as practicable in any disturbing or enjoyable situation in which you
find yourself at any given time.
9. Equip with and improve your skill to
socialize. Be/look confident in dealing with any situation and to try to never
openly exhibit your personal agitation if any in a given situation and thus
exposing your shortcoming in that record.
10. Clearly/Deeply understand your cultural
background. Similarly understand the same also of others also while recognizing
that others might be possibly contradicting you also. But don't fail to realize
that they have their own right to do so.
11. Your own spiritual well-being is an ongoing process which
could lead you to specific religious fold. But realize that it couldn't be also
so on deeper understanding of your own spiritual background. Create quality
time for solitude for meditation and also prayer so your personal deity if you
happen to feel so moved at any time.
12. Transcendental experience comes to one even
when one is fully awake and engaged in a given moment/situation. Don't get
obsessed with the past/future that might at any particular time/situation upset
your equanimity. Try always to take things as they happen. Don’t doubt in line
with your past experience and future expectations.
13. Your sex life does matter with women's sex
between routine/romantic. Death is a state of the body. Feeling satisfied and
comfortable is a state of being so within.